As we come to the end of our exploration of the Marks of Mission we celebrate 'wonky worship' a form of worship that includes participation and activities. There is no formal sermon, rather an outline of our approach to the theme is provided here.
Conversation: What comes to mind when you think of mountains? Note: connect to nature, nature as one of the ways we can feel close to God, how do we safeguard creation? Add to Marks of Mission
God keeps doing new things, finding news ways for us to know and experience God.
Activity: 1. As we prepare to enter Lent, we are challenged to quiet ourselves making space for God in different ways. Signifying this, we will take the 'alleluia' we created earlier in worship and bury it by placing it at the bottom of a cup filled with soil. We are letting go of this expression for the season of Lent, while trusting that new life, new possibilities, new reasons to cry 'Alleluia' will come at Easter.
2. Add seeds - our hope for new life. (Note: put symbol on cups so we know which seeds went where) Leave in the light and water. Watch for new life. Some can be taken home. Some used for community garden. Some shared with those in need. Caring for creation and each other as Jesus showed through life, death, and resurrection.
Sing: 418 Draw the Circle Wide