How did we come to learn about God? Do we remember that first encounter, the first time we were introduced to God, Creator, Redeemer, and Life-Giving Spirit? Who was instrumental in teaching us about God? How did that lead to us being here today? Whose words and example proclaimed the Good News of God in Christ in ways that help us find meaning in our participation in worship and the life of the Church right now?
How did we come to learn about God? I suspect we all have our stories. Like Abram, we may have those powerful encounters with God that we can draw upon to nourish our faith. There are also likely people in our lives who challenge and inspire us to continually want to seek God, to be in relationship with Jesus, through this Church family. What difference has this made in our lives?
Jesus said: ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’
The words sound daunting. Denial, crosses, life, and death, these are not easy to swallow. The implication is that faith requires courage and conviction. Faith requires a willingness to take risks. Faith is embodied in persistence and perseverance. To follow Jesus, is to be active, and engaged in ways that are not always embraced by the world.
We know this through the stories of Jesus. We know that he tended to lift up the lowly and challenge the privileged. This annoyed some people to the point that they eventually sought to kill him. He upset the status quo, suggesting that love means more than judgment and exclusion. His life, death, and resurrection, conveyed a message of profound love, grace, and hope for all people. For God so love THE WORLD, as an oft-quoted passage says. Jesus embodied the ideal of proclaiming the Good News by word and example, and then, washing feet, said love as I have loved.
Jesus said: ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’
To take up our crosses and follow Jesus is to boldly proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ. Today, we will gather to explore the ways this congregation has embodied this faith in the past year and what we hope for this year. Through our 3-year plan, we are setting a goal for ourselves: to embrace this Baptismal task in a literal way, proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ Jesus to family, friends, neighbours, coworkers, and anyone who will listen. There are many ways we are already doing this as a community. St. Paul’s is known as an inclusive and affirming congregation and that matters to many.
The challenge this year is to use our God-given gifts to proclaim the Good News individually. To intentionally seek to be one of those people who helps others learn about God. This year we are committing to be the individuals who challenge and inspire others and, with our courage, conviction, persistence, and perseverance, invite them to experience this Good News through our beloved Church community.
How did we come to learn about God? What have we done to teach others about God? What more can we do? As we gather today, may we commit to intentionally use our words and actions to point the way to God through this Church community this year and beyond. This we pray as we sing: 502 You are salt for the earth.