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Mark 10:2-16
Let the children come to us

When was the last time we danced in the rain? How long has it been since we played in the mud looking for worms and critters? When was the last time we made a wish on dandelion fluff? How long has it been since we played in nature with the joy, wonder, curiosity, and innocence of a child?

Many children often wish that they were adults because they view adulthood as being free from the rules of childhood. Adults know it isn’t that simple. There are rules in adulthood, and expectations about how to act. People would likely wonder about adults who jump in puddles and splash around. Questions might be raised about an adult running through a meadow, arms spread wide to touch as many plants as possible. Catching fireflies for fun might be viewed as a rather excentric pastime for an adult causing some to question the wellbeing of the individual.

Being an adult comes with expectations about how we are supposed to behave and engage with the world. We are supposed to be mature, and act with a certain level of decorum. We are supposed to be in control of our behaviour and not do things that raise eyebrows. We are supposed to be adults and put away our childish ways.

People were bringing little children to (Jesus) in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them.

Everyone has their place in a proper world. Childish ways can be distracting when people are engaged in adult things. We have heard it said that children are to be seen and not heard. In some spaces we hide children away so that adults can focus their attention and energy on what they deem important.

We may want to hide children away so that they do not distract from adult things and yet, we also know that children can bring out the best in adults. Yes, people may question what they think is childish behaviour beyond a certain age, but adults can get a pass, IF they are with children! When there is a child alongside, it becomes OK to chase butterflies together. If a child’s laughter is involved, adults are free to smell every flower in the garden. Sitting with a child, makes it easier for adults to hold snakes and other critters at nature shows learning alongside the younger ones as they engage with wonder and curiosity. Truthfully, children can offer freedom to adults, enabling us to be playful, curious, and filled with joy and wonder.

(Jesus said) ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 

Let the little children come to us! Their innocence, and hope can be balm on stressful days! Their playfulness can help us laugh. Their openness to share brings smiles.

Children are a blessing to the world because they help us put aside adult expectations and recognise the gifts around us. With a child’s eyes we can appreciate the wonder of worms, and bees, and birds. Together with children we can listen for the sounds of crickets, and cicadas, and frogs. We are reminded to smell the flowers and the fresh air as we sit outside with children. Have you ever gone berry picking with a child? How many more berries went into their mouths than into their buckets? How often were we inspired to do the same?

Children give adults permission to experience the world with all our senses in renewed and meaningful ways. Children provide excuses for us to let go of the expectation of decorum and embrace chaos. Children free adults and help create spaces where we can all laugh and play!

(Jesus said) Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.

Today we are reminded that the kin-dom of God is a place where freedom, wonder, joy, and curiosity reign! No matter how old we may be, in God’s kin-dom, we are free to live fully and joyfully. We are free to love with hope and possibility. We are free to laugh with abandon. May we continually nurture the spaces where we can engage freely by nurturing the children who remind us to be free and laugh and play. This we pray as we sing: (VT) 551 Beautiful Things